Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The French are onto Something...

So, in chatting wtih people who have been to France and in reading different bits about the French eating delicious, rich foods with low obesity rates, it's got me thinking about mindfulness...

It seems the French culture is much more mindful about eating...slowing down to appreciate that delicious morsel of cheese or making sure to sip their glass of red before having another bite is so different than how us North Americans have been trained to eat...I have attached a link of a Blog post from another Blog, but note I am note condoning the skinny piece in this; instead, I really see mindful, happy eating at the core of this article and I like it!


Think of this:
Many struggling with obesity are likely not mindfully eating; there is likely many big portions of unhealthy foods going in their belly's. OR some type of trauma and extreme sadness and stress in their history leads them to emotionally eat-again, lacking mindfulness.

Likewise, someone regardless of their weight, who is constantly counting calories-depriving themselves one day and then starving as a result goes to buy a Quarter Pounder with Cheese Meal from McDonald's-is also not being mindful of eating. Being pre-occupied with what one ate the day before, to today, to what they should and shouldn't eat on the weekend is certainly not being in the present moment.

I suppose I should throw in a definition of mindfulness for those not so up to speed on the term. So what exactly is mindfulness?....Here is what a famous teacher on mindfulness meditation has to say:

"Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgementally"-Jon Kabat-Zinn.

 I love this term and this idea for all areas of life, really...Our North American culture is NOT mindful. In fact, we are quite the opposite (I realize that's a sweeping generalization, but I believe it's mostly true...)...We are constantly rushing around and looking for convenience and the next best thing. Mindfulness to me means slowing down and enjoying many moments, and not punishing ourselves with worry about the past or future...This crosses over into the worry around how many inches we hope to save by eating this extra-low fat mega diet salad or how many mega diet salads we'll have to eat by allowing ourselves pizza...

It all just seems so unhealthy and scary to me. I thought about how my blog topic may be lame; let's be honest-I don't have too many followers and not all of the reading is exactly light and easy. But then, when I reflected back on the last week and how each day I heard people stressing about calories, what they ate, what they fed their children, how many inches they hope to loose, how many inches they have lost, and how they just joined a new and improved gym, I realized my passion about this is still prominent enough to blog-it-out.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Geez Louise...

Okay, so the story of my life these days is what I'm about to do...Please read my last post re; 'My life has been so busy, blah, blah, blah...' and now I will do the same:

 I have neglected my blog yet again due to life busyness!...Because I'm at work right now, I'll be posting again tonight on what my thoughts are on this-the fact that many women tend to overwork/overwhelm themselves by putting too much on their plates, and then neglect taking care of themselves and doing things they love in the name of  getting ahead, goal setting and taking care of other people. I have been doing all but the last really; being selfish and filling my time with a full time job, part time job, and my Master in Social Work...But have then neglected things I love and am committed to like this blog, leisurely reading, seeing lots of people I love, and being active...

Okay, okay, the rant is done but please, stay tuned because I WILL be posting regularly again. In the name of passion, self care, and my wonderful friends who reminded me of my blog and how they want to join :)

P.S. I will also having my techy handsome man to show me a trick or two about adding pics and stuff...Because really, we need something to look at other than my many words...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Is Heidi Montag a robot?! A rant about plastic surgery...

Whoa, it's been too long since I've gotten myself on my blog...The busyness of school and work and then squeezing in a social life has made me neglectful!...Back on the blogging train.

A good friend of mine mentioned that blogging about Heidi Montag would be fitting; and I couldn't agree more. It saddened and totally creeped me out to hear of her latest plastic-surgery antics; 10 surgeries in one shot?!...She almost died. I read in an interview that her that he heart nearly stopped.

What is most scary to me is how young she is; 23 years old and she has had over 15 surgeries done AND plans to get more!...On a shallow note, I wonder what she'll look like in twenty years?!...On a deeper note, I wonder how her mental state will be in twenty years. It's seriously concerning. If not her brain, her soul...

I have had many a debate with friends about plastic surgery; when is it appropriate? who should be able to get it done? how bad is it really for youth everywhere to see these fake images of people?...When I was 19 years old, I was fiery and madly against it. I felt scared and worried for girls everywhere (even myself), growing up with a growing trend of women  having their bodies cut, poked and pradded at to look youthful forever...I also believed that women have an obligation to be true to themselves (i.e. accepting themselves for who they are and not giving into the unrealistic standard of beauty we are set up to be smothered by...), for the future of girls everywhere.

As an adult, and meeting many women with different stories of why plastic surgery was good for them, I am not quite as radical in my thinking. Do I still hold true the belief that society is royal-y screwing up women all over; yes. Do I believe they do this by promoting, expanding, and pushing the plastic surgery industry on everyone; yes. But do I judge women who get plastic surgery done as harshly; a big NO. I realize that isn't my place...When I have a family one day, I will bring up my children to fight normative bullshit standards in life...but for women who have been so tortured by the constant push to be 'hot', well, all I can do is talk about why I think it's BS to give into that, and respect the right to choose.

Whoa, talk about a rant. I do get passionate about plastic surgery; maybe even more so than dieting...Ahh, actually, the two are under the same intense umbrella, but if I can say anything; bring up your daughters loving who they are and nurturing their brains as much as they do their health; bring up your boys respecting women including their uniqueness, feminity and intelligence. And please feel sad for Heidi Montag!!! That is not a normal/good/ positive/ or even okay situation. It is terribly unhealthy and scary.

That is all. Until next time!

P.S. Still waiting for tips on how to jazz up this blog!!! I'll work on it, in the meantime...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

In celebration of our bums and hips...

What better way to start off the New Year than on an empowering and positive note! A good friend on mine passed this along, and it couldn't be more appropriate for my blog. Please see attached article.

Again, just something to remind us that all fat on women's bodies is not bad and that fat can actually have positive health benefits! Check it out. Interesting stuff.


I'll be posting soon again!

P.S. Does anyone know how I can add pictures and jazz this page up?!...I find it a lil blaaah on the eyes. I've seen others with lots of pics, etc. If anyone knows, please, do tell!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

P.S. Models who look so hungry...

While procrastinating on writing a paper for school tonight, I watched 'America's Next Top Model'...Many of the girls on there look very hungry...
I think it's so weird how many facets that promote or display the modelling industry do not acknowledge the fact that, I'm going to say many of the models shown have eating disorders or body dismorphia (I think I'll look up some stats or research on that because I can't be sure, but the imagery is powerful...)...Sometimes it's actually uncomfortable to watch because it's like a giant elephant in the room...Skinny, sad, hungry girl being critiqued on how to stand better to look leaner and how to look more appealing to viewers...eeeeek. Makes me feel akward and bummered to watch...
I can only imagine if I were 12 again, how I would percieve this...Double Eeeeeek to that thought.
Luckily and happily, I was still able to enjoy a nice bowl of delicious pasta while watching the hungry girls. I feel thankful for that...I do not look hungry and could have therefore let my mind go to dark places liiiike, calorie counting, when I will workout next, and how I'd really like to fit into jeans from when I was 18 years old...But I didn't.
Knowledge is power sooo I think I'll look for skinny gal model stats on eating disorders. Point will be further proved re; lots of models are unnaturally thin because of mental health issues (eating disorders...).

Name Change...

Changed the name of the blog...Two reasons really.
Firstly, the name was misleading. I am not a girl and so shouldn't misrepresent...Secondly, toooo close to the title of the awesome movie 'Girl Interrupted' with Angelina Jolie. Great movie, however I don't want to confuse people into thinking this is anything about that movie...Okay,okay, it's about women and stereotypes etc, but still...Not exactly what I am looking for here.
Lastly, some of my fabulous friends and I refer to each other as 'Lady'. It's endearing and lovely and more reflective of who I am/want to be...And makes me think of my fab friends so it's all good.

So Lady Interrupting it is...

Okay. That's all for now.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

To Join this Blog...

Just thought it would be helpful to post how you can join this blog, if you choose...

If you look to the left of your screen, click the tab that reads 'Followers', near the top of the page. It will guide you from there, but basically if you do not have a recognized account with any of the three carriers it shows, you create one. For example, I created a 'Google' account to sign into this blog by using my Yahoo email account info.

Either way, you just create an accout and then use that email address and password to sign in and...leave comments if you want! Comments, opinions, alternate opinions, challenges are ALL so welcome here.
